Monday, February 7, 2011

Roberto Bernardi: Hyper-Realism

Roberto Bernardi hyper-realist and one of my favorite technical artists. Roberto takes everyday objects and makes them better. The insane attention to detail and the remarkably mondane subject matter makes his paintings explode with life. He chooses subject matter that is open to everyone. His works are impressive as well as fun to look at and should be appreciated by anyone who cares to look.

Arturo S.


  1. This is pretty amazing. I don't know much about art, but I can tell when there is a lot of time spent on something. Keep them coming, I enjoy looking at them.

  2. I cannot imagine the work and patience that went into that! I had a hard enough time trying to paint anything in the painting class I was required to take. Well, a “hard time” is an understatement….I was usually frustrated and pissed off because I suck at painting! Which makes me admire people that can paint this well!!!

  3. Its pretty crazy because i would of never thought of items in a grocery store as art. The way this artist captured these images makes you see them in a completley different way.

  4. Art is in everything and being aware of what we see make looking at life and the things around a lot more fun, thanks for the comments.
