Monday, February 28, 2011

Cath Riley: Flesh Studies

Sorry it took so long for me to put anything up, but I think that this next artist will fill the void.
Here we have Cath Riley her drawing are awe-inspiring as well as elegant and soft.
I read about her a few years ago and forgot how impressive she is until I stumbled on her a couple days ago. Cath takes the beauty of skin and gives it a dramatic and appealing vision.
I really appreciate her sense of composition and the elegance of her values. Great artist and amazing skill.

Arturo S.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Richard Estes: ... another photorealist.

I know you guys might be sick of this but I'm going to do it anyway. What we have here is the artwork of Richard Estes. His incredible attention to detail and his impressive knowledge of light logic is something to be envied. I was stumbling when I came across him and thought that this would be a very appropriate choice for my blog. These made me very happy. Enjoy.

Arturo S.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Roberto Bernardi: Hyper-Realism

Roberto Bernardi hyper-realist and one of my favorite technical artists. Roberto takes everyday objects and makes them better. The insane attention to detail and the remarkably mondane subject matter makes his paintings explode with life. He chooses subject matter that is open to everyone. His works are impressive as well as fun to look at and should be appreciated by anyone who cares to look.

Arturo S.